ASTM D-2163 & ASTM D-7754_1362272
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ASTM D-2163 & ASTM D-7754

Application Description

Front channel: ASTM D2163 The sample is introduced by the Gas Sampling Valve (GSV) or Liquid Sampling Valve (LSV) into the Split/Splitless inlet, where it is mixed with clean carrier gas. One part of the blend will be directed to the split vent, while the other part enters the analytical column. The capillary column separates the individual components in a temperature-programmed oven run. Detection is done by a Flame Ionization Detector (FID).

Back channel: ASTM D7754 The sample is introduced by the Automatic Liquid Sampler (ALS) into the Split / Splitless Inlet (S/SL). A pre separation is made on the pre column. The oxygenated components are cut from the matrix by applying a pressure switch, directing the effluent from the pre column either to the monitor column or to the analysis column (front detector). The oxygenates are separated on the analysis column in a temperature programmed oven run. Detection is done by a Flame Ionization Detector (FID).

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