Pipettes, Balances, Incubators, Ovens, Centrifuges, Stirrers, Mixers …
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Anaerobic environmental culture systems or suppliesAnalytical balancesBench protectors or linersBench refractometers or polarimetersBench scalesBenchtop centrifugesBlotting membranesBottle top dispensersBottletops or filtration cupsCabinet desiccatorsCalibration weights or weight setsCalorimetersCapillary or hematocrit tubesCaps or topsCapsules filtersCentrifuge adaptersCentrifuge bucketsCentrifuge rotorsCentrifuge tubesCeramic cruciblesChart recordersChemiluminescence or bioluminescence analyzersChemistry analyzersChemistry quality controls or calibrators or standards
Chemistry reagents or solutionsChromatography syringesCirculating bathsCold trapsColony counterColorimetersConductivity cellsCool transport or storageCryogenic or liquid nitrogen freezersCryogenic storage boxesCryogenic tubesCryoracksCryostatsCulture tubesCuvettesCytology reagents or solutions or stainsDensitometersDigestion systemsDigital readout recordersDissolved oxygen metersDissolved oxygen probesDosing spoonsDropping pipettesDry baths or heating blocks
Drying racksElectronic multichannel pipettersElectronic single channel pipettersElectrophoresis system accessoriesEquipment transportation caseFan circulated ovensFilter tip pipette tipsFlash point testersFloor or platform scalesFlow sensorsFlowmetersFume hoods or cupboardsGas burnersGel boxesGel documentation systemsGeneral purpose refrigerators or refrigerator freezersGeneral purpose traysGlass bottlesGlass cruciblesGravity convection ovensHandheld refractometers or polarimetersHandheld thermometerHazardous materials cabinetsHeating mantles or tapes
Heating or drying equipment or accessoriesHemocytometersHomogenizer parts and accessoriesHomogenizersHydrometersHygrometersIlluminators for microscopesImmersion circulatorsImmunology analyzer accessories or suppliesInjector septaInoculating devicesIon selective electrodeIon selective electrode ISE metersIsolation glove boxesJarsJerrycansLaboratory adapters or connectors or fittingsLaboratory bailersLaboratory balancesLaboratory bath accessories or suppliesLaboratory beakersLaboratory blenders or emulsifiersLaboratory buretsLaboratory centrifugal pumps
Laboratory chillersLaboratory clampsLaboratory cooling equipment accessoriesLaboratory cork borersLaboratory corksLaboratory crushers or pulverizersLaboratory dewar flaskLaboratory dilutersLaboratory drum pumpsLaboratory filter papersLaboratory filtration hardware or accessoriesLaboratory flasksLaboratory forcepsLaboratory freezer or refrigerator thermometersLaboratory funnelsLaboratory general purpose tubingLaboratory glass filtersLaboratory graduated cylindersLaboratory grinder or polisherLaboratory heatersLaboratory hotplatesLaboratory incineratorsLaboratory lids or covers or coverslipsLaboratory line filters
Laboratory membrane filtersLaboratory millsLaboratory mixersLaboratory oven accessoriesLaboratory scalpelsLaboratory scissorsLaboratory scoopLaboratory sealing filmLaboratory separatorsLaboratory spatulasLaboratory spoonLaboratory staining dishes or jarsLaboratory stirring rodsLaboratory stoppersLaboratory storage bottleLaboratory timers or watchesLaboratory tongsLaboratory toolsLaboratory vacuum pumpsLaboratory vialsLaboratory wash bottlesLaboratory watch glassesLiquid chromatography LC columnsMagnetic spin bar retrievers or stir bar retrievers
Magnetic spin bars or stir bars or stirring beadsMagnetic stirrersMagnetometersMagnifiersManual multichannel air displacement pipettersManual single channel air displacement pipettersManual single channel positive displacement pipettersMass spectrometersMelting point recordersMetal cruciblesMetallic basketsMetallic flammable liquid cansMicrobiology analyzer accessories or suppliesMicrobiology inoculation loops or needlesMicrocentrifuge tubesMicrocentrifugesMicroplate washersMicroplatesMicroscope lens paperMicroscope slidesMicroscopes slide coverslipsMixer or shaker accessories or attachmentsMoisture balancesMoisture meters
Molecular biology test kits or suppliesMonocular microscopesMulti bank or flocculation equipmentMultipurpose or general test tubesMultiwell platesNon metallic basketsOrbital shakersOverhead stirrersPasteur or transfer pipettesPeptide synthesizerPeristaltic pumpsPestle or mortarsPetri plates or dishespH electrodesPh meter and conductivity meter calibrant and standardpH meterspH test strips or papersPhotometersPipette bulbsPipette racks or standsPlastic bagsPlastic bottlesPlate incubatorsPolarimeters
PsychrometersPycnometersReciprocal shakersReciprocating shaking water bathsRefrigerated benchtop centrifugesRefrigerated incubatorsRefrigerated microcentrifugesResistance thermometersReverse osmosis equipmentRobotic or automated liquid handling systemsRoller mixersRotary vane pumpsRotating shakersSafety tapesSampling manifoldsSand bathsSedimentation rate tubesSedimentation tube racks or standsSerological pipettesShaking incubatorsSintered cell filtersSlide dryersSpecimen collection or transport bagsSpectrometers
SpectrophotometersSpirit burnersSqueeze bottlesStatic eliminatorsSteam autoclaves or sterilizersStereo or dissecting light microscopesStirring hotplatesStomachersSurface tension measuring instrumentsSurface thermometersSyringe filtersSyringe pumpsTemperature cycling chambers or thermal cyclersTemperature regulatorsTemperature sensorTemperature transmittersTest sievesTest tube racksThermocouple probesThermostatsThermowellsThin layer chromatography tanksThinlayer chromatographsTissue culture coated plates or dishes or inserts
Tissue culture flasksTissue grindersTitration equipmentTransilluminatorsTube furnacesTube rotatorsUltra filtration equipmentUltrasonic disintegratorsUltraviolet UV lampsVacuum desiccatorsVacuum gaugesVacuum or centrifugal concentratorsVariable volume pipette tipsVolumetersVolumetric pipettesVortex mixersWarming cabinetsWater bathsWater filtration cartridgesWater purification systemWeight measuring instrument accessories
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